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Weekend Nature Reads: the spring is here edition

There’s blossom on the trees, spring is in the air — today is a good day to celebrate rewilding. That, and more, in this week’s digest.

5 min read
Weekend Nature Reads: the spring is here edition
Beautiful blossom on a tree near our local community centre.

Happy Rewilding Day!

Yes, this Sunday is the second annual day celebrating rewilding — a vital tool in our armoury to fight climate change and restore our ecosystems, but one which is often ill-understood.

Or, perhaps, wilfully mischaracterised…

Here's a couple of great articles explaining why rewilding is so important, and what it brings to the world. The first is more of a general explainer on the subject:

World Rewilding Day 2022 | This is #WhyWeRewild

Whereas this piece from Rewilding Britain gives you seven very specific reasons why it matters:

Why rewilding is a story of hope
As we celebrate the second annual World Rewilding Day on 20 March 2022, we share seven reasons #WhyWeRewild.

Why do we love being in nature?

Is a love of being outdoors in our genes? Research suggests that, yes, it is — in part, at least. It's a wee bit more complicated than just being born to it, though:

Why do we love the great outdoors? New research shows part of the answer is in our genes
Our feelings about nature depend on lots of factors, but a new study shows our genes are one of the most important.

The curse of the vampire plants…

I really enjoyed this article when I read it in the print Countryfile magazine and so was delighted to find that they'd put it on the website for you to enjoy for free. You'll never quite look at a meadow in the same way again, I promise you.

Guide to the UK’s parasitic meadow plants
Find out which of our cherished meadow flowers are secret vampires, thriving in a seemingly tranquil British grassland.

Bothy life

Once, a very long time ago, as a teenager in the Cairngorms with my school-friends, I had to sit out a whiteout in a bothy, and I've been quietly obsessed by them since. It's been decades since I've been in one, but this piece makes me want to rectify that.

bothy nights - Rachel Sarah
Michael falls asleep at about half past seven. I doze and wake and doze and wake. I’m pretty sure I heard a ghost at one point but it was probably the wind. I wonder whether I’d feel comfortable staying in a bothy alone. I’m unsure. I’ll stay in the van alone, I’ll camp alone, I’ll bivvy alone. But…

My best-ever hagstone find on a morning beach walk!

Long reads

Two stories to enjoy with a tasty beverage.

Climate change will claim Waikiki Beach

Just being one of the most famous places in the world isn't enough to save you from climate change. People are working desperately to save Hawaii's internationally renowned Waikiki Beach — but they're likely to fail.

A glimpse into the future of many coastal communities:

The Battle to Save Waikiki Beach
Hawaii’s most iconic beach is quickly becoming a poster child for why it’s so hard to adapt to a changing climate.

Fighting for nature's future

Sometimes, when you're in a little online bubble of nature-friendly people, it's easy to forget how many people have very different views. The latest loss of a white-tailed eagle is a brutal reminder of that reality.

This piece from the Inkcap Journal shows that this resistance is not new:

When I started at Haweswater in 2013, I was blissfully unaware of just how controversial the RSPB’s newfound hill farming role was. I soon had my awakening. Within a few months into the job, the local MP, a neighbouring estate, farming representatives and others made it abundantly clear how highly they valued the status quo, and how little they wanted us to be a part of it.

But there's both hope and success to be found in the piece:

A Future For The Lakes
What if nature had time to recover?

Anyone recognise these birds? They were happy to wander around Hazel and I down by the harbour arm.

Osprey time!

A week ago, people were starting to eagerly await the arrival of migrating ospreys, back in the UK to breed:

Well, they're back. Or, at least three of the know birds are. This is my osprey newsletter from last week, and a new one will be going out tomorrow.

Osprey season 2022 is underway
With an Osprey spotted at Loch of the Lowes, the breeding season is clearly upon us.

You can sign up here, if you're interested.

One to watch

Let's finish on a high note this week. This is a beautifully-shot and inspiring short documentary:

Nature Readsrewilding

Adam Twitter

A middle-aged Dad, coping with a mid-life crisis, but enjoying life with his two wonderful daughters.


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