Weekend Nature Reads: the self-isolating edition
A round-up of good nature listening, viewing and reading from around the web.

It finally happened. We got COVID. Not a surprise, really, as it's been rife at my daughters' school, but after my eldest came home early feeling unwell, it became apparent that we were all likely to be infected. And so it was.
So, I've been stuck at home for days now, which you can read about here:

But less time for being outside means more time for reading, watching and listening to things, so here's the first weekend digest for a while…
Renewing the war on sewage
I really enjoyed this podcast from outdoors clothing brand Finisterre. The interview with Surfers Against Sewage CEO Hugo Tagholm is one of the best they've done so far. The presenter is finally learning to keep quiet, and let the guest lead the discussion, and it's so much better for it. If you've been angry about the way water companies have been dumping sewage into our seas and rivers, I guarantee that this will make you even more angry.
More usefully, though, it also has some interesting thoughts on how live more mindfully and sustainably while we re-engineer our systems to protect the planet.
A mix of anger and hope is exactly what we need right now.

After the storm
This was shared by Jeff in the Osprey Chat, and it's a reminder that storms like Eunice don't just impact humans.
Like the rest of us, the storks are on clean up duty after #StormEunice
— White Stork Project (@ProjectStork) February 19, 2022
This pair's nest was completely destroyed but today they are back rebuilding it!
Nothing is keeping this pair down! pic.twitter.com/WVwItaucDp
Some actual reading
It's a mix of good and bad news. But, like I said above, you need to mix anger with hope.
Rewilding: yes, please!
The rewilding movement has been really effective at explaining the concept. I've been toying with writing about the straw men that rewilding critics tend to use in their objections, but for now, let's enjoy the good news:

Shrinking winter is bad news
I recently enoyed the excellent new book from outdoors writer Alex Roddie, The Farthest Shore, in which he hikes the Cape Wrath trail in winter, and finds it much less, well, wintery than expected. And that was in 2019, before the pandemic.
In this post, photographer Craig Jones looks at how the warmer winters are putting some species at risk.

The Joy of Walking
Walking as a mindful discipline is a subject close to my heart. This is a good piece on it:

When Siberia Thaws
Brace yourself for this one, folks. This is a rather stark look into our climate crisis future:

Good News Chaser
I don't know about you, but I couyld do some with good news after that rather grim story. Here's some successes with cute animal photos.

The kids are alright
The world needs more Lyras…
You can read all about her fund-raising efforts on the Waterhaul site.
Winter's Beauty
This is beautiful:
Midwinter mornings in the New Forest..#newforest #winter pic.twitter.com/kxO3Kwlswa
— Paul Haynes (@PaulHaynesPhoto) January 28, 2022
One to watch
This is landscape eye candy at its best. I took a little while to warm to the pseudo-70s cinefilm aesthetic of the piece, but once I was in, I was hooked. I hope maybe one day my girls will be on adventures like these…
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